Our Services
What therapy modality will best suit your needs?
Making the decision to care for yourself by coming to therapy can be full of mixed feelings- scary, uncomfortable, but a relief at the same time. Our therapists prioritize the connections formed with our clients in the first session, and over time. We will help you repair your relationship with yourself, care for and love yourself more fully, find the strength you already have inside, and learn healthy boundaries.
A number of our therapists are specially trained in providing sex therapy to individuals and partners. This means they are knowledgeable about treating sexual disorders such as anorgasmia (inability to orgasm), erectile dysfunction (lack of or inconsistency of getting erections), vaginismus (painful sex), desire discrepancy (different levels of sexual desire in romantic relationships) and more. Often these issues can be intermixed with other presenting concerns such as dishonesty, anxiety, depression, and communication issues. Many couples therapists are not competent to work with sexual issues- we want you to know that you are in good hands here with professionals who are specifically trained and supervised to help.
Coming to therapy with your partner could provide you the third-party, expert perspective you need to crack the cycle of your arguments. Instead of just being a last resort, couple therapy can be a preventative, help through a difficult phase, a tune-up, and an opportunity to build communication skills that will last the rest of your life. Our couple therapists can help you form a deeper understanding and connection, foster trust, co-create a more enjoyable sex life, or part ways in a healthy, intentional way.
The most formative relationships in our lives are with our family members. Behind closed doors, we see the most relaxed, authentic, embarrassing, and sometimes dangerous parts of them. We learn our patterns and roles in life from them, and then we act those out on our partners, friends, coworkers, and especially our kids. Our family therapists are skilled in working with multiple people in the room, and can help with relationships such as parents and their kids, teens, or adult children, adoptive and step-parents, and siblings.